The Bhole is a gigantic creature that normally dwells peacefully in the Vale of Pnath. Overstimulated by the clash of forces that is Cthulhu Wars, the Bhole, ravenous, emerges to feast upon the otherworldly energies released by the Factions and their Great Old Ones.
Bhole Activation and Attack
At the end of each Doom Phase, after all players have had a chance to perform a Ritual of Annihilation, check for the Bhole’s Activation and Attack.
If the Bhole is in an Area containing a Gate, it remains in place and destroys that Gate, Eliminating any Controlling Unit. The Bhole does not affect anything else in that Area. This Elimination counts as an enemy Eliminating your Unit (for example, Yellow Sign can benefit from Passion).
If the Bhole is not in an Area with a Gate, roll a six-sided die and Move the Bhole to the Underworld Citadel labeled with the appropriate number (even if the designated Citadel lacks a Gate). For example, on a five-player map, when a 1 or a 2 is rolled, the Bhole goes to the Sea of Pitch. On a 3, it is sent to the Vaults of Zin. If the Citadel the Bhole enters contains a Gate, that Gate is immediately destroyed along with any Controlling Unit. The Bhole does not affect anything else in that Area.
If Opener of the Way is in play, and the Bhole attacks the Area with Yog-Sothoth, it destroys and Eliminates Yog-Sothoth! (Sometimes it’s not beneficial to be coterminous with all space and time!) It does this in addition to destroying any normal Gate in the Area.
How to Defeat the Bhole
Any player may initiate a Battle against the Bhole (with a Unit in the same Area). The Bhole has a Combat rating of 6. A single Kill result destroys the Bhole (though it will return in the next Doom Phase!) A Pain always sends the Bhole to the Vale of Pnath, regardless of the presence of other Units (it may not be Eliminated due to being surrounded). Crawling Chaos’ Madness Spellbook cannot send the Bhole elsewhere, nor can Units who Battled the Bhole be Pained to the Vale of Pnath (if the
Bhole is Pained). If the Bhole is already in the Vale of Pnath, it ignores the Pain
The Bhole is a Terror Unit. Additionally, while Spellbooks and abilities can be used in Battle against the Bhole, they can only affect your own Units. For example, you cannot use Windwalker’s Howl to send the Bhole out of the Battle Area, nor does Demand Sacrifice have any effect on the Bhole’s dice results. The Bhole costs 0 Power, has no Spellbooks or Doom, and has no Power of its own or any other normal features of a Faction for any purposes, such as calculating the Combat of Tsathoggua, Ithaqua, Nyarlathotep, etc.
The Bhole Respawns!
If the Bhole is Killed, a new Bhole re-appears in the Vale of Pnath at the end of the Doom Phase! A newly-spawned Bhole does not immediately roll to Move to a Citadel, but is merely placed and stays in the Vale during that Doom Phase. However, when the Bhole reappears, if there is a Gate (and any Controlling Unit) in the Vale of Pnath, those are destroyed. This means that if Killed, the Bhole goes to the Vale of Pnath for one Doom Phase, giving players a short respite (as there is no Citadel in the Vale of Pnath).