A: Dark Demon: When Dark Demon is triggered by someone else, you will permanently lose a Larvae, although you won’t receive a Dark Demon. If you purchase Dark Demon, everyone else follows the instructions for Dark Demon and you get nothing in return. Seeing as Dark Demons are rather annoying to be cursed with, this is actually a decent exchange for you.
A: High Priests: When opponents sacrifice a High Priest via Unspeakable Oath, it is in turn-order response to whatever Action
just occurred. Often times, this means that The Invasion player will get yet another use of Eternal Servitude when High Priests
are in use, if they are between the player who performed the last Action and whoever is now “reinstated” into the Action Phase
with 2 power. This is important and means The Invasion benefits from High Priests immensely, even though they themselves
cannot have one.
A: Brain Cylinders: The Invasion has no Brain Cylinders and therefore gets no benefit for Controlling the Lab, other than
preventing other players from being able to trigger Surgery. Don’t worry though; Brain Cylinders are typically easy to capture and
are great targets via Scavenge, so you’ll have more “food” for Baphomet in those situations. Also, other players will typically have
more Power, so that’s even more opportunity to use Eternal Servitude.