Q. What happens when Azathoth is chosen to receive a Kill as a result of Dread Curse of Azathoth (since no Battle abilities apply)?
A. Azathoth’s special ability is Ongoing and not a Battle ability, so just reduce his Combat by a d6. (Yog-Sothoth can’t use Azathoth’s own curse against him, you cadaverous fool! But because Azathoth is the Blind Idiot God, he can still harm himself somewhat).
Q. If I have a Controlled Gate and only Units with 0 Combat, can I declare Battle due to Miri Nigri?
A. Yes! Although Miri Nigri does not technically add 3 Combat to aparticular Unit (as with Absorb), the fact that you will roll Combatdice means that you can initiate Battle even if all you have is a singleCultist (on that Gate) in the Area.
A. Yes! For example, if there are 4 Enemy Great Old Ones on the Map andan Opener-Controlled Chaugnar Faugn, then Yog-Sothoth’s Combat would be11 (8 + 3). However, if Opener also Controlled a normal Gate in the sameArea as Yog-Sothoth, you would still only add 3 to your Combat in thatArea, not 6. The ability reads “in an Area,” which means that you onlyget the Combat bonus once per Area, rather than once per Gate.
A: They hand you a number of Elder Signs equal to however many Lord’s Shadows you have, and you are able to choose amongst those. Assuming that you are not friends, you probably will have to deplete them of low-value Elder Signs prior to getting much use out of it.
Q. When Awakening Nyogtha, how many Elder Signs does Great Cthulhu receive? If a Nyogtha unit is killed and re-awakened, does Great Cthulhu receive another Elder Sign?
A. Cthulhu gains 1 Elder Sign upon Awakening Nyogtha. If only 1 of 2Nyogtha units is Awakened, Great Cthulhu does not receive an Elder Sign.
Q. How do two “simultaneous” Battles occur? Is one Battle fully resolvedbefore the other? Can your Units from the first Battle be Pained to thesecond?
A. The Battles must be in different Areas. One is fully resolved beforethe other, and Units from the first Battle who are Pained to the secondcan participate in the second.